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Welcome to Algoraph!

Algoraph (formerly Graph Games) is a tool to assist in solving graph-related problems. It includes a suite of puzzle games that allow you to help solve interesting problems while having fun. Although we know the answers to most of the puzzles, there are some that are unknown—You could be the first to solve one of these!

Algoraph also contains an interface that allows you to experiment with the puzzles, including the ability to run various algorithms on the puzzles. These features require special permission to access, so if you are interested in seeing some of the more advanced capabilities of the software, contact the Principle Investigator (see the Credits page).

The following games collections are currently available:

  • Pebble It: Four games to help solve graph pebbling problems.
  • Power Graph: Two games to help solve graph covering problems.
  • Portal Lord: One game to help solve graph bandwidth problems.
  • Lights Out: One game to help solve problems related to the classic Lights Out game. (This one is still in development, so you won't find many interesting puzzles for it yet.)

We are hoping to present more substantial problems in the near future, so keep checking back to see what is new. That's enough details for now. Go to the Download page to load the game and give it a try. If you run into any problems, see the FAQ page.