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Development Team (past and present)
  • Charles Cusack, 2007-2024 (Principal Investigator, Game Concept, Design and Redesign, Algorithm Development, etc.)
  • Mark Powers, 2017-2018 (Java Programming, Algorithms, Theoretical stuff)
  • Aaron Green, 2015-2016 (Java Programming, Algorithms, Theoretical stuff)
  • Cole Watson, 2015-2016 (Java Programming, Algorithms, Theoretical stuff)
  • Seth Yoder, 2013 (Java Programming, Algoraph plugin for Eclipse)
  • Scott Hoelsema, 2013 (Java Programming, Algoraph plugin for Eclipse)
  • Matt Barbour, 2013 (Java Programming, Weighted Graphs and Games)
  • Tim Lewis, 2011-2013 (Tester, Tutorial and Puzzle Creator, Weighted Graphs and Games)
  • Hsiang Lin, 2011 (Java Programming, Tutorial System)
  • Russell Zinn, 2011 (Java Programming, Tutorial System)
  • Dan Simpson, 2010-2011 (Java Programming, Algorithms, New Game Research and Development)
  • Samuel Taggart, 2011 (Tester, Tutorial and Puzzle Creator)
  • Ryan Alfuth, 2009-2010 (Java Programming, Database, New Game Research and Development)
  • Airat Bekmetjev, 2007-2010 (Pebble It Algorithm Development)
  • Matt Jara, 2010 (Java Programming, New Game Research and Development)
  • Jeff Largent, 2008-2010 (Java Programming, Graphics, Database, Icons, Website, New Game Research and Development)
  • Tim Wahmhoff, 2010 (Database)
  • Brenda Cuellar, 2009 (Human Computing Research)
  • Eric DePree, 2009 (Java Programming, Graphics, Website)
  • Kim Klask, 2009 (Java Programming, Algorithm Development)
  • Kevin Browder, 2008 (PHP Programming, Pebbling Algorithm Implementations, Database)
  • Andrew Foster, 2008 (Java Programming, Website, Database)
  • Evan Peck, 2007-2008 (Game Prototype and Database Design)
  • Josh Visscher, 2009 (Credits)
Supported By
  • The Computer Science Department At Hope College
  • Division of Natural and Applied Sciences at Hope College
  • The REACH program at Hope College
  • The National Science Foundation
All tools and sounds used were freeware or modified from freeware.
Sounds The sounds came from various sources, with some editing done on some sounds. Not all sounds listed are currently in use (some sounds were replaced).

