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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I play the game?
  2. I don't see the link to launch Algoraph with Java Web Start.
  3. I am having problems installing Java.
  4. I have a technical problem not addressed here.
  5. I want to give my feedback about the game(s).
  6. When I resize the window, the contents don't resize.
  7. I have a question/comment not addressed here.
  8. I can't get the game to work in Google Chrome.
  9. I can't get the game to work in Ubuntu.
  10. When I log in, I get a "Security Warning" message.
  11. Why is this website so drab?

Frequently Given Answers

  1. How do I play the game?
    See the Download page. From their you can launch the application with Java Web Start or download a runnable JAR.

  2. I am having problems installing Java.
    We are sorry you are having difficulties. There are some occasions when things do not work perfectly with the installation. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. I don't want to go into all the details, but if you have any problems, try the following:
    1. First, try to install Java (Click on the link). One of two things will happen:
      1. Java will automatically start downloading. Just follow the prompts.
      2. You will be redirected to a Java page with a big "Free Java Download" button. If so, click the "Free Java Download" button, and it should begin the download. There should be a "Need Help?" of "Installation Instructions" link on the page that contains further instructions if you need them.
      Hopefully Java installed correctly.
    2. If the previous step didn't work, click on the Download Free Java Software link. On that page, click the "Free Java Download" button. It will likely take you to another page that looks almost identical to that page, but it will actually be a more specific page based on your operating system and browser. Continue as in step 1.b. above.
    3. If neither of these worked, we recommend you get assistance from a technically-savy friend or family member.
  3. I have a technical problem not addressed here.
    If your problem relates to a bug in the game, please send as many details as possible (Operating system, Browser, Java version, username, approximate date/time the problem occurred, and what happened) to algoraph@hope.edu. Please realize that our development team is very small, so although we will make every attempt to deal with your concern, we may be unable to respond to every e-mail we receive.

  4. I want to give my feedback about the game(s).
    We would love to hear what you like and don't like about the games! Please send your feedback to algoraph@hope.edu. We may not respond to your feedback directly, but be assured we will read it and consider what you have to say.

  5. When I resize the window, the contents don't resize.
    This only happens occasionally and we haven't a clue as to why--it is probably a very subtle but related to how we are using MigLayout. Typically if you close the game and restart it will work properly. If you can find a way to reproduce the problem consistently, please let us know because it may help us find the bug.

  6. I have a question/comment not addressed here.
    Send a message to algoraph@hope.edu and we will attempt to address your comment/concern/question. Please realize that our development team is very small, so although we will make every attempt to deal with your concern, we may be unable to respond to every e-mail we receive.

  7. I can't get the game to work in Ubuntu.
    This probably because you are not using Sun's SDK, although we are not 100\% certain about that. We simply do not have the manpower to support every possible platform, browser, and freeware version of Java.

  8. When I log in, I get a "Security Warning" message.
    We believe we have fixed this issue. If this is happening to you, please send an e-mail to algoraph@hope.edu with as many details as possible. In any case, there is nothing to worry about.

  9. Why is this website so drab?
    Because we are computer scientists, not graphic designers. Think you can do a better job? We'd love someone to help us spice it up! You're volunteering to do it for free?! That would be great!